vendredi 8 mai 2015

Réflexions sur mes rêves 1

- Deux éléments (en dehors de la lumière) reviennent systématiquement dans mes rêves: l'eau et la terre. Jungle, lac, mer, douche, piscine. Souvent des espaces "intérieurs". Souvent très humide.
- Peu, voire aucune élévation. Je ne rêve jamais que je vole; et même si je peux me situer à d'autres niveaux qu'au sol, le plan, la conscience de l'espace, est toujours... directe. 1er degré. Exactement comme la conscience et la représentation de la 3D dans un jeu vidéo en vue à la 3e personne (mes rêves en 1ère personne semblent plus rares).
- Je ne rêve plus pour m'échapper: c'est toujours un dialogue avec mon inconscient. Très simple et clair à interpréter. Ici est la question. Où est le piège? C'est la part la plus obscure de mes rêves car je ne semble pas même capable de la rêver. Où plutôt, la narration bute toujours là où elle est censée: comme si les questions restaient toujours des questions. Les rêves n'apportent-ils pas des réponses, si on considère un dialogue? Le souci de la notion de dialogue est que le langage, symbolique, est déjà rêve, symbolique; si je décide de cesser de prendre le rêve comme communication, il me faut alors atteindre un nouveau niveau de méditation.

1 commentaire:

  1. SUDDEN DEATH SALVATION? by steve finnell

    Does God offer a special plan of salvation for those who are unsaved and experience sudden death before they have a chance to obey God's commands?

    Many like to claim salvation for those who believe, but face sudden death before they are baptized in water for the forgiveness of their sins. Is, the excuse, I did not have time to baptized written in Scripture, as an exception to God's commandment to be baptized so that your sins may be forgiven? Of course not!

    Jesus said he who believes and is baptized shall be saved. (Mark 16:16) Can men revoke what Jesus said because they believe Jesus was being unfair? Of course not!

    Assume a preacher was his way to preach the gospel to a dying man, who had indicated be was open to believing, but had not made that confession. If that man died before he believed, could that man's friends and relatives claim "The Sudden Death Plan of Salvation," because he did not have time to believe? Of course not!

    If a Christian was openly a drunkard, a thief, a fornicator, and a serial killer, but decided that next week he was going to repent of his sins and ask God for forgiveness, but died before he had the chance; would he be able to claim "Sudden Death Repentance and Forgiveness?" Of course not!

    Men can speculate about, Sudden Death Plans of Salvation; however, there are no Scriptures to confirm it.

    There is no Scripture that states men can be saved if they suddenly die before they have time to believe.

    The is no Bible verse that says men can be saved if they suddenly die before they have time to repent.

    The nothing stated under the new covenant that says men can be saved if they die before they have time to confess Jesus as the Christ.

    There is no verse of Scripture that says men can be saved if they suddenly die before they have time to be baptized.


    Dead men cannot believe.
    Dead men cannot repent.
    Dead men cannot confess.
    Dead men cannot be baptized.
    Dead men who die in their sins cannot be saved.

    Men do not die without believing and being baptized because they did not have time. IT HAPPENS BECAUSE THEY DID NOT TAKE THE TIME THEY HAD AVAILABLE, TO BELIEVE AND BE BAPTIZED!

